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Cabinet in Unsteamed Pear Wood

Reference: c (151)

Jim was fond of eccentricities in wood, being that as he often said, he was eccentric himself. Steamed pear is homoginized; all the character washed out. 17-1/2″w x 11″d x 61″h. April, 1998
Photo credit: D. Welter
Location: inc-item(1)
Reference: c (151)
Category key: [90 vnr]
Cabinet in Unsteamed Pear Wood
Supported by; The Krenov Foundation
Cabinet in Unsteamed Pear Wood
Cabinet in Unsteamed Pear Wood
Cabinet in Unsteamed Pear Wood
Cabinet in Unsteamed Pear Wood
Using shop-sawn veneer allows for composition. Carrying the color around the corner unifies the planes of the cabinet.
Photo credit: D. Welter
Reference: c (156)
Cabinet in Unsteamed Pear Wood
Supported by; The Krenov Foundation
Curator: David Welter - Archivist: Kevin Shea

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